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The Two Essential MySQL/MariaDB Shell Commands | 08.01.2024

The Two Essential MySQL/MariaDB Shell Commands You Need to Know!

In the realm of database management, particularly with MySQL and MariaDB, there are countless shell commands, each serving unique functions. However, two commands stand out for their critical roles in database administration: mysqldump for data backup and the mysql command for data restoration or import (and all the other fancy things).

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The mysqldump Command for Data Backup

The mysqldump command is a powerful utility for creating a backup of database(s). This tool generates an SQL script containing the necessary commands to recreate the database's structure and data.

For instance, the command:

mysqldump -h -u user -p"password" --default-character-set=charset table --result-file=dump.sql

This command performs a backup of the table database. The parameters include:

The mysql Command for Data Restoration

The mysql command is used to execute SQL statements, manage databases, or restore data from a dump file. The command outlined here is particularly used for restoring the table database from a dump.sql file.

For example:

mysql -h -u user -p"password" table < dump.sql


Both mysqldump and mysql are essential tools in a database administrator's toolkit. They play a crucial role in the backup and restoration process, ensuring data integrity and continuity in the event of data loss or when migrating data between servers. Using these commands effectively can safeguard critical data and streamline database management tasks.